Peer-reviewed articles
Book Chapters
Policy Briefing
Rudmann, O., Batruch, A., Visintin, E. P., Sommet, N., Bressoux, P., Darnon, C., ... & Butera, F. (2024). Cooperative learning reduces the gender gap in perceived social competences: A large-scale nationwide longitudinal experiment. Journal of Educational Psychology. PDF
Riant, M., de Place, A., Bressoux, P., Batruch, A., Bressan, M., Bressoux, P., Brown, G., Butera, F., Cherbonnier, A., Darnon, C., Demolliens, M., De Place, A., Huguet, P., Jamet, E., … & Pansu, P. (2024) Does the Jigsaw method improve motivation and self-regulation in vocational high schools?. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 77, 102278. PDF
Batruch*, A., Geven*, S., Kessenich, E., & Van de Werfhorst, H. (2023) Inequality in teacher track recommendations: A review study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 123, 103985. PDF
Batruch, A.*, Autin, F.*, & Sommet, N.* (2022). Advancing the psychology of social class with large- scale replications in four countries. Accepted as a registered Report (Stage 1-in principle Acceptance) in Nature Human Behaviour. PDF
Batruch, A., Jetten, J., van de Werfhorst, H., Darnon, C., & Butera, F. (2022). Beliefs in school meritocracy and legitimation of social and income inequalities. Social Psychological and Personality Science. PDF
Mella, N., Pansu, P., Batruch, A., Bressan, M., Bressoux, P., Brown, G., Butera, F., Cherbonnier, A., Darnon, C., Demolliens, M., De Place, A., Huguet, P., Jamet,... & Desrichard, O. (2021). Socio-emotional competencies and school performance in adolescence: What role for school adjustment? Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 640661. PDF
Butera, F., Batruch, A., Autin, F., Mugny, G., Quiamzade, A., & Pulfrey, C. (2021). Teaching as social influence: Empowering teachers to become agents of social change. Social Issues and Policy Review. PDF
Brandt, et al. (2020). Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50(5), 921-942. PDF
Jay, S., Batruch, A., Jetten, J., McGarty, C., Muldoon, O. (2019). Economic Inequality and the Rise of Far-Right Populism: A Social Psychological Analysis. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 20, 418-428. PDF
Autin, F., Batruch, A., & Butera, F. (2019). The function of selection of assessment leads evaluators to artificially create the social class achievement gap. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111, 717- 735. PDF
Batruch, A., Autin, F., Bataillard, F., & Butera, F. (2019). School selection and the social class divide: How tracking contributes to the reproduction of inequalities. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45, 477–470. PDF
Batruch, A., Autin, F., & Butera, F. (2017). Re‐Establishing the Social-Class Order: Restorative Reactions against High-Achieving, Low-SES Pupils. Journal of Social Issues, 73, 42-60. PDF
Autin, F., Batruch, A., Butera, F. (2015). Social justice in education: How the function of selection in educational institutions predicts support for (non) egalitarian assessment practices. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 707. PDF
Butera, F., Batruch, A., Pulfrey, C., Autin, F., & Toma, C. (2021). Après la note : Effets psychosociaux de l'évaluation normative. In N. Younès, C. Gremion and E. Sylvestre (Eds.), Evaluations, sources de synergies ? Entre normalisation, contrôle et développement formatif [Evaluations, sources of sinergia? Between normalization, control and formative development]. Presses de l’ADMEE-Europe. PDF
Batruch, A., Autin, F., & Butera, F. (2019). The paradoxical role of meritocratic selection in the perpetuation of social inequalities at school (pp.123-137). In K. Peters and J. Jetten (Eds.) The Social Psychology of Inequality. Springer. PDF
Geven, S., Batruch, A. & van de Werfhorst, H. (2018). Inequality in Teacher Judgements, Expectations and Track Recommendations: A Review Study. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. PDF
▪ Policy report commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences