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Anatolia Batruch, PhD

Lecturer in Social and Educational Psychology

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Anatolia Batruch is a Researcher and Lecturer at the Social Psychology Lab, University of Lausanne

Her research interests include: social class inequalities in school; school and teacher practices, beliefs in school meritocracy and the psychology of social class

On this website you will find her CV, publications, and more on her current projects.

Félix Imhof / UNIL

Research Interests

Her work focuses on the structural barriers to social class equality in school as well as on the psychological consequences of belonging to a social class. 

She is part of an interdisciplinary research team working on the PROFAN project: a nation-wide large-scale three-wave experimental study conducted in France to study the effects of jigsaw puzzle classrooms. 

She is also currently working on a project for which she was granted a  SNSF grant: “Advancing the Psychology of Social Class: large-scale replication in four countries”.

She also recently received another SNSF Ambizione grant (2024-2028) and will soon join the LIVES Centre as an Ambizione Lecturer to develop her work on social class and intergoup relations.

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